The Industrial & Automation market compared to the Office & Retail market has been like chalk and cheese post-pandemic. With the supply of high quality industrial assets outstripping demand, the market increasingly expects supply chains to pivot from inactive storage to dynamically AI automated packaging and distribution. To name an example, one of our partners recently completed an industrial site which had a principles project requirement for 12mW DRUPS (Diesel Rotary Uninterruptible Power Supply) and PV backup items which would typically only be seen in Data centres and Hospitals. On the flipside of the coin, retail and office demand has lowered due to many organisations downsizing or rationalising their work from home policies. In many cases, this sector has had a respite with clauses which have seen rents rising due to CPI tracking. In addition, renewal or option activation hurdles are showing extremely low tenant retention particularly in the C-Grade stock. We have been working hard to see how can help clients understand their offerings and our latest app ROBB, who focuses on the building metrics which determine a property rating or grade (such as BOMA or PCA).

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